Case study #10: Additional Wind Energy Case Studies

Case Study #10: Wind Case Studies

Virginia Wind Resource Map: 80m Land Based

If you want to do a simple analysis of a wind farm in Virginia, use the map for wind resource data (pick a nearby location in the climate database for temperature and pressure data).Suggestion: use Vestas V66 turbines at 78 m. Use $2,000/kW as the installed cost of an on-land wind farm (>10 MW). Use RETScreen “Help” to estimate losses.  Assume annual O&M costs equal to 1.5% of initial costs. Assume 70% debt financing at 7% for 15 years. Assume inflation of 2%. Assume a project life of 25 years. What would the electricity export rate need to be to achieve an IRR on equity of 12%?

For an easy case study related to offshore wind (in China), open the project database and single click on the wind project case study with climate data from Shanghai. Click on the question mark icon at the bottom right to view the assignment, hints, and a description of the real project. Click on the green checkmark to load the RETScreen analysis.

For an instructive case study related to the use of wind turbines on farm land (in Canada), open the project database and single click on the wind project case study with climate data from “Pilot Mound (MARS)”. Click on the question mark icon at the bottom right to view the assignment, hints, and a description of the real project. Click on the green checkmark to load the RETScreen analysis.